



» » » » » » » » » » Step-by-Step Guide: Copying Data from C Drive to Azure Blob Storage with PowerShell


Learn how to seamlessly copy data from your C drive to Azure Blob Storage using PowerShell commands. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, empowering you to leverage the power of cloud-based storage. By following these instructions, you can securely transfer your files to Azure Blob Storage and unlock the potential of scalable and reliable data management.

Step 1: Set Up Azure Blob Storage Account and PowerShell

  • Create an Azure Storage Account in the Azure portal to initiate cloud-based storage.
  • Note down the Account Name and Account Key for future reference.
  • Install the Azure PowerShell module with this command: `Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser`


Step 2: Connect PowerShell to Azure Storage Account

  • Launch PowerShell and sign in to your Azure account using the command: `Connect-AzAccount`.
  • Provide your Azure credentials when prompted.
  • Establish a connection by running the command: `Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId <Subscription ID>`.
  • Replace `<Subscription ID>` with your specific Azure subscription ID.


Step 3: Prepare the Environment for Data Transfer

  • Install the Azure Storage module by executing: `Install-Module -Name Az.Storage`.
  • Import the Azure Storage module with the command: `Import-Module Az.Storage`.


Step 4: Construct and Execute the PowerShell Command

  • Create a variable for the source file path: `$sourceFilePath = "C:\Path\to\Source\File.txt"`.
  • Define the destination container name: `$destinationContainer = "yourcontainer"`.
  • Specify the storage account name: `$storageAccountName = "yourstorageaccount"`.
  • Assign the storage account key: `$storageAccountKey = "yourstorageaccountkey"`.
  • Construct the PowerShell command:

$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey

Set-AzCurrentStorageAccount -Name $storageAccountName -ResourceGroupName "yourresourcegroupname"

Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $sourceFilePath -Container $destinationContainer -Context $context

  • Replace the placeholders with your specific details (file path, container name, storage account name, and storage account key).


Step 5: Execute the PowerShell Script for Data Transfer

  • Execute the PowerShell script by running the constructed command.


Step 6: Verify the Data Transfer

  • Go to the Azure portal and navigate to your Azure Blob Storage account.
  • Access the specified container in the PowerShell command.
  • Verify that the file from the C drive has been successfully copied to Azure Blob Storage.


By following this step-by-step guide, you can effortlessly copy data from your C drive to Azure Blob Storage using PowerShell commands. Embrace the scalability and reliability of Azure Blob Storage for efficient data management and seamless integration with your cloud infrastructure.

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