



Insightful Employee Productivity Monitoring Tool Installation Process for Version of Linux

Insightful is the best employee productivity monitoring tool which support to the version of Linux operating systems.

This article is describing the installation process of Insightful to Linux operating systems. Because the website doesn’t have the clear guide to install it for Linux operating systems except the Windows and Mac OS environments.

The installation process is different for personal and company computers.

Company Computers

Company computer installation is done using the Linux terminal. In order to create a terminal line, you need your organization ID.

1. To get your unique Organization ID, first, log in to Insightful as the admin.
2. Go to Add New Employee > Company computers > Download for MacOS
3. In the terminal line, part of it will be your Organization ID. It looks like this:

export base=""; /bin/bash -c

"organizationId="OrganizationID"; $(curl -fsSL $base/" 

4. Copy your Organization ID into the following:

export base=""; /bin/bash -c

"organizationId="organizationID"; $(curl -fsSL $base/"

5. Newly created terminal line should be copied into the Linux terminal, press enter and the installation will begin.

Personal Computers

After you send personal computer invites, you should follow these steps:

2. Right click on the file and choose Properties
3. On the “Permissions” tab, check the option “Allow executing file as a program
4. Exit the window and double click on AppImage file

How to open a URL with CMD? - A simple BOT attack (Windows and Linux Command)


There is a simple command to open the website using the CMD. 

  • In Windows environment please use the below command.
start "" ""
  • In Linux environment please use the below command.

If you want to setup a simple BOT attack to website, please use the below command,

for /l %x in (1, 1, 10) do (
   echo %x
   start "" ""

This file will be run the 10 times and if you want it increase it into 100 or 1000 please replace the 10 as 100 or 1000.

Please note that, this will be increase your processor and ram capacity will be harm to your computer.